What is mastering and do I really need to master my tracks?
Nowadays songs get mixed on headphones, music is consumed via cellphone speakers but also played on high-end audio equipment and the wide range of audio formats makes it hard for non-professionals to…
Mixing audio – What is mixing and can I do it myself?
Thanks to modern technology, almost anyone can produce their music at home - even with a low-budget homerecording setup. However, mixing all the recorded instrument-tracks of a song is a complex…
What is audio editing and is it really necessary?
You've carefully recorded all your instruments with the best possible audio quality and you've put in sweat and tears to get the best possible performance - but your tracks still aren't there yet!…
Things you should know before recording in a studio
Even nowadays, one of the main goals of many bands is to record their music in a professional recording studio. Be it, because they don't have enough homerecording experience or they just do not want…
What is a pre-production and do I need it for my record?
The pre-production is the one part in music production that many musicians do not know much about. Nevertheless, pre-production is one of the most important steps on the way to an outstanding record.
The 4 main music production disciplines explained
For people who are getting started with music, production terms like mixing, mastering, recording, editing or pre-production can quickly lead to confusion. Therefore, I’m going to explain the basic…
Music production history – The 5 most important eras
Music production history and the path to our modern way of recording is characterized by many technological innovations. Be it the development of new storage media or the emergence of multi-track…